Kent Microlight Club
PPR for visitors

KMAC is based in the Ashford area of Kent and is a focal point for those with an interest in flex wing and 3 axis microlight flying in the South East 

Based at its own airstrip at Harringe (strictly telephone PPR for non-members). In house facilities include regular organised trips to UK and European destinations, engineering support with club BMAA and PFA Inspectors and BMAA Check Pilots, as well as a BMAA flying instructor, and currency stamp holders

KMAC meets socially on the first Monday evening of each month at the Walnut Tree in Aldington, where talks, videos, light food buffet and banter are served free 

The club also meets informally most weekends at the "Harringe Diner", fly or Drive-Inn. Acclaimed in a Michelin guide (or was it on a Pirelli calendar?) for pilots breakfasts and afternoon stew. (BYO)

This website was started with Mobirise